Meeting of Northwest Glaciologists 13-14 Oct 2017

Oct 13 2017 9:00AM - Oct 14 2017 5:00PM
ESB 5104-06


Hosted by: University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Friday and Saturday, October 13-14, 2017 from 9am to 5pm PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE 

List of attendees


University of British Columbia, Department of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences 
Friday-Saturday: Earth Sciences Building (ESB), room 5104-06
Friday social: ESB atrium 
see campus map

  • Please let us know if you plan to come by emailing Please include your name and institution. A title for your talk or poster would also be helpful.
  • The room will be open and staffed for registration from 8:30 on Friday morning. There will also be coffee and some breakfast items available then.
  • The cost will probably be $25 for students and $50 for all others to cover the evening social event and meeting refreshments. Please bring cash to cover registration.
  • Please bring your own name tag and coffee mug to make this an eco-friendly meeting. 

We anticipate that the meeting will follow the format of previous years. As usual for NWG, we have no requirements for advance abstracts. However, due to the anticipated large number of participants, we do ask that you let us know in advance

  • whether you would like to talk
  • whether you would like to present a poster
  • if presenting, what is your title?

The organizers will use that information to get the first session started at 9 AM. The ongoing schedule is usually then a work in progress.

The time available for each speaker will depend on the number who want to speak. However, due to the anticipated large number of participants, we ask that you be prepared to give your presentation in about 15 minutes maximum including discussion. If we have a very large number of speakers, we may need to go beyond 5 PM, or shorten the time slots.
Please make your presentation in PDF format. If you require any additional equipment (or have animations/videos) please let us know as soon as possible.

We can also accommodate posters if you would like to bring one. Please indicate that you would like to do so when you email to let us know that you are coming.
Icebreaker A dinner and social gathering will take place on Friday evening in ESB atrium (ground floor). 

Contact us at the given email for available couch/floor space with UBC hosts. There are several options at UBC within walking distance from the meeting location. Click here to reserve accommodation on the campus. The UBC is accessible via many bus lines as well if you find a hotel further away.

Limited parking is available for guests staying in the campus accommodations for an additional fee. Visitor parking is available at various parkades around campus. Information regarding rates and where to park can be found at “Visitor Parking”