Investigating Known Unknowns in the Supercomplex World of Oil Sands Process Water
Jul 21 2014 11:00 - 4:00AM
CHEM D215 (2036 Main Mall)
Jonathan Martin
Oil sands process water (OSPW) contains an acutely toxic and persistent supercomplex mixture of dissolved organics. Knowing more about this mixture is important with respect to long-term OSPW remediation, and for its eventual release back to the environment. The analytical chemist's improving ability to analyze this mixture, using applications of high resolution chromatographic or mass spectrometric techniques, has revealed that we know less and less about more and more. This talk will cover applications of analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, and toxicology that our research group is making in an effort to address some of the most important "known unknowns" about OSPW, all in an effort to simplify future monitoring, risk assessments, and remediation around oil sands development in Northern Alberta.