EOSC 331 · Introduction to Mineral Deposits

Introduction to economic geology and models related to mineral exploration. Study includes typical deposit types and their plate tectonic setting. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: EOSC 221. Offered in Term 1.
Course Content
Ken Hickey (khickey@mail.ubc.ca)
James Scoates (scoates@mail.ubc.ca)
Welcome to MinDep! This course integrates all your geological knowledge into one package, from the hand sample scale to plate tectonics, on the origin and evolution of ore deposits throughout geological time.
Lectures are in-person in EOS Main 135 from 10-11 am each Tuesday and Thursday in the Fall term and Labs are in-person in EOS Main 101 (Wed 3-6 pm, Fri 2-5 pm).
Download the course syllabus using the link in the section above, and access the course webpage from Canvas. Make sure to have your Mineral ID Kit ready to use, especially your hand lens.