EOSC 328 · Field Geology

Recording and processing geological data in the field. Held within the three weeks following April examinations after third year. A special fee is to be paid by January 31. Prerequisite: All of EOSC 323, EOSC 330 and one of EOSC 321, EOSC 322

Course Topic(s):
Geological Science Biology
Field/Community/Industry Partner Course


Learning goals: 

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Conduct professional geological mapping with confidence and competence.
  • Integrate multiple scales and types of geological information in the production and interpretation of a geological map.
  • Visualize the 3D geometry of rocks in the Earth’s crust by combining information from the topographic expression of an area, a geological map, and multiple intersecting cross-sections.
  • Make decisions in real-time, individually and working in groups, by applying multiple working hypotheses and dealing with scientific uncertainty to solve interdisciplinary problems.
  • Take personal responsibility for safety practices in the field, including hazard assessment and the use of personal protective equipment.
  • Appreciate the critical role that geological mapping in enabling geoscientists to better establish how our planet functions.

Download the most recent syllabus here: https://nextcloud.eoas.ubc.ca/s/xb67AxmdmKpx75x

Course Content

2024W T2 (May 2025): Okanagan Geological Field School - April 29 through May 22, 2025


Course Fees

There are 4 separate fees for this course:

  1. Course Tuition Fee - payable via Student Service Centre
  2. Special Fee (subject to change) - payable via Student Service Centre - please refer to Program, Course and Faculty fees to view exact fees
  3. Field School Meal Plan ($625.00) - To be paid through the following LINK by the end of Friday April 11
  4. Field School Course pack ($200.00) - To be paid through the following LINK by the end of Friday April 11

Course Prerequisites

The area mapped by students at the Okanagan geological field school contains sedimentary, igneous (volcanic and plutonic), and metamorphic rocks with a complex 3D geometry reflecting both primary sedimentological and igneous processes, and the overprinting effects of deformation and metamorphism. Because of this, we very highly recommend that students complete all of EOSC 320, 321, 322, and 323 before attending Field School. 


Spring 2025: Kenneth Hickey, James Scoates, Matthijs Smit


Required textbook:

  • Geological Field Techniques (2010), by Dr Angela L. Coe (Ed), Wiley-Blackwell, pp 336. ISBN: 978-1-4443-3062-5; an excellent, very well-illustrated book that focuses on the practical aspects of mapping.

Recommended textbooks:

  • Basic Geological Mapping, Fifth Edition (2011), by Richard J. Lisle, Peter Brabham & John Barnes, Wiley-Blackwell. ISBC 978-0-470-68634-8); a short, pocket-sized reference to key elements of mapping.

Required Field Gear & Mapping Materials

There are extensive lists of required equipment for the field, for mapping, and for camp that will be available on the Canvas course website (accessible starting in November). Newly purchased field boots (above-ankle support) and backpack (minimum 35 L) will need to be worn and tested prior to beginning field school.


Miller Award in Field Learning

Established through an endowment by Dr. Hugh Miller (Ph.D. UBC 1973) for undergraduate students in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences who are participating in a field course at the Geological Field Station. Recent recipients of this award are listed below:

May 2024 (2023W academic year)

  • Madeline Rein, Manas Toews

May 2022 (2021W academic year)

  • Caleb Isaac, Maxwell Porter


The Mike Casselman Memorial Award

This award honours the legacy of Mike Casselman, a passionate exploration geologist, brilliant mapper, and a strong believer in valuing and preserving the environment along with finding a mineral resource. The recipient(s) is chosen based on their academic performance during Field School, with preference going towards those demonstrating a passion for mapping and a real commitment to supporting their fellow students. Recent recipients of this award are listed below:

May 2024 (2023W academic year)

  • Emma Forsberg, Jake Charlton

May 2022 (2021W academic year)

  • Owen Perfect, Charlie Barnett

May 2019 (2018W academic year)

  • Joshua Nicholas

May 2018 (2017W academic year)

  • Sim Sidhu

May 2017 (2016W academic year)

  • Quinton Willms

May 2016 (2015W academic year)

  • Shane Mulholland, Courtney Forth


C. Fipke Award in Field Studies

This award is for undergraduate students in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences participating in a field geology course at the UBC-Teck Geological Field Station. The recipients are chosen based on their academic performance and passion for geological fieldwork during field school. Charles Chuck E. Fipke, CM (B.Sc. (Hons.) 1973) is a geologist and prospector from Edmonton, AB, whose passion for exploration led him to discovering diamond deposits near Lac de Gras in Canada's Northwest Territories. Chuck is also recognized for his substantial philanthropic contributions and support of initiatives at UBC. Recent recipients of this award are listed below:

May 2024 (2023W academic year)

  • Jackson Partridge


Shell Mapping Prizes

Shell Canada Limited has provided awards for undergraduate prizes recognizing "excellence in geological field work at the Oliver field school". The most recent recipients of those awards are listed below:

May 2024 (2023W academic year)

  • Kevin Clarke, Daysha Pierobon

May 2019 (2018W academic year)

  • Dylan Spence, Sarah Raschella, Joshua Nicholas, Lars Gibbard

May 2018 (2017W academic year)

  • Kiara Brooksby, Rebecca Canam, Liam Fannin, Carl Ryan

May 2017 (2016W academic year)

  • Robert Parry, Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries, Casey Watamaniuk, Quinton Willms

May 2016 (2015W academic year)

  • Emily Bolton, Jasmine Koh, Hayley McIntyre, Andrew Steiner

May 2015 (2014W academic year)

  • Arron Albano, Michael Shynkaryk, Colton Cantner, Nick Dodds

May 2014 (2013W academic year)

  • Jiaopu Li, Kate Jillings, Britta Neumann, Dave Nuttall