ATSC 404 · Dynamic Meteorology
Dynamic principles governing atmospheric motions on a rotating planet. Simplified mathematical models of atmospheric flow based on scale analysis. Application to synoptic-scale and general circulation of the troposphere. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of EOSC 352, MATH 316, PHYS 312 and one of EOSC 250, MATH 217, MATH 317.
Christian Schoof
TA Cuiyi Fei
Required: online course notes (see below)
Course Content
Division of marks:
Assignments - 40%
Quizzes/Homework/Class participation - 10%
Midterm exam- 10%
Final exam- 40%
Mid-Term Examination - tbd
I expect to set 4 to 6 assignments in this course. They will be set on Fridays and will be due at the end of class on the following Friday. No marks for late assignments.
Office hours
Wednesday 1130-1230, EOS-South 356. Contact me in advance if you can't make this but need to see me.
Lecture notes:
- ATSC404 Conservation law lecture notes
- Supplementary reading on conservation laws (not required but may clarify, some of these are also referenced in the ATSC404 notes): EOSC352 notes on conservation laws (using a different approach involving Lagrangian volumes) EOSC352 notes on subscript notation for vectors and tensors EOSC352 notes on momentum conservation EOSC352 notes on angular momentum conservation EOSC352 expanded notes on heat equation (covers mechanical work done by viscous and inviscid fluid flows)
- ATSC404 cross product and curl lecture notes
- ATSC404 rotating frame lecture notes
- Supplementary reading on coordinate changes (not required): EOS 352 notes on transformation of scalars, vectors and tensors under coordinate changes
- ATSC404 lecture notes on linearization, waves and scaling
- Supplementary reading on wave solutions (not required): EOS 352 notes on Fourier series EOS 352 notes on complex variables
- ATSC404 lecture notes on internal gravity waves and stability
- ATSC404 lecture notes on shallow atmospheres
- ATSC404 lecture notes on vorticity and quasi-geostrophic dynamics
- ATSC404 lecture notes on synoptic scale ocean dynamics
- ATSC404 lecture notes on Rossby waves and baroclinic instability
- ATSC404 lecture notes on boundary layers
Course information, practice exams etc.: