Greene, A. R., Scoates, J. S., and Weis, D. (2008). Wrangellia flood basalts in Alaska: A record of plume-lithosphere interaction in a Late Triassic accreted oceanic plateau. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 9, Q12004, doi:10.1029/2008GC002092.
Greene, A. R., Scoates, J. S., Weis, D., Nixon, G. T., and Kieffer, B. (2009). Melting history and magmatic evolution of basalts and picrites from the accreted Wrangellia oceanic plateau, Vancouver Island, Canada. Journal of Petrology, v. 50, 3, 467-505, doi:10.1093/petrology/egp008.
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
Alaska, United States
Vancouver Island, Canada
Yukon, Canada
Greene, A. R., Scoates, J. S., Weis, D., and Israel, S. (2009). Geochemistry of Triassic flood basalts from theYukon (Canada) segment of the accreted Wrangellia oceanic plateau. Lithos,
v. 110, 1-19,
Vancouver Island, Canada
Nixon, G. T., Larocque, J., Pals, A., Styan, J., Greene, A. R., and Scoates, J. S. (2008). High-Mg lavas in the Karmutsen flood basalts, northern Vancouver Island: Stratigraphic setting and metallogenic significance. In: B. Grant (ed.) Geological Fieldwork 2007, Paper 2008-1. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Research, p.175-190..
Greene, A. R., Scoates, J. S., Nixon, G. T., and Weis, D. (2006). Picritic lavas and basal sills in the Karmutsen flood basalt province, Wrangellia, northern Vancouver Island. In: B. Grant (ed.) Geological Fieldwork 2005, Paper 2006-1. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Research, p. 39-52.
Greene, A. R., Scoates, J. S., Nixon, G. T., and Massey, N. (2008). A field trip guide to Wrangellia flood basalts on Vancouver Island: An accreted Late Triassic oceanic plateau. Goldschmidt 2008 Conference post-meeting field trip, July 19-22, 2008, 23 pp. [26 MB]
Geological Guidebook Publication
Vancouver Island, Canada
Vancouver Island, Canada
Greene, A. R., Scoates, J. S., Weis, D., Katvala, E. C., Israel, S. and Nixon, G. T. (2010). The architecture of oceanic plateaus revealed by the volcanic stratigraphy of the accreted Wrangellia oceanic plateau. Geosphere, v. 6, p. 47-73, doi:10.1130/GES00212.1.
Geological Survey Publications