There are two main goals for this hour:
Topic | Learning Goals. By the end of this section, for the Sparks Lake fire, you will be able to explain... | Lecture |
A. Intro | Overview of What? Where? When? Why? Who? | A full 50 minute presentation about the Sparks Lake fire, by Jalena Bennett: as • a downloadable mp4 video (1.5 GB) with associated report; or • viewable via online streaming via YouTube. |
B. Antecedent / Precursor Conditions. | Climate, anomalies, forest & fuel type, moisture-code values, etc. in the months and week before the fire. |
(see link above) |
C. Ignition Source & Associated Weather | Synoptic and mesoscale weather on the day of ignition. | (see link above) |
D. Fire Weather & Behavior | Co-evolution of the weather and the fire. Associated dynamics, thermodynamics, synoptics, and mesoscale weather. | (see link above) |
E. Special Meteorological Aspects | ... if any. Could include pyrocb, diablo winds, smoke dispersion, etc. | (see link above) |
Weather Briefing | Short (10 minute) weather briefing on Vancouver weather by a student team. Utilize the weather-briefing "cookbook" to select which images and movies to show. | Give a well structured weather briefing using appropriate maps and graphs, and finishing within the alotted time. Gain experience in public speaking and working as a team. Strengthen your understanding of atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics. Strengthen your ability to form a 3-D picture of the weather in your mind. Utilize appropriate terminology and jargon. |
F. Impacts | ... of the fire (and smoke where relevant) on people, industry, environment, etc. | (see link above) |
G. Conclusions & Recommendations | Summary. Insights and/or lessons learned, as might be applicable to future fires. | (see link above) |