A. Midterm Exam (individual exam only) |
Covers all material during weeks 01 - 07:
• Tuesday met-concepts topics mc01-mc04, &
mc07-mc08. See Canvas Module F for up-to-date reading lists, learning goals, & lecture slides.
• Thursday fire-basics topics (fb01-fb32) except fb22. |
Writtin exam on paper. Bring pencils and eraser.
Open books, notes, computer, calculator. No talking. No sharing of answers. No asking AI programs to provide the answer.
Focus your studies on the Learning Goals. Also, learn from your mistakes in your labwork.
The midterm exam is a bit more conceptual than the labs/homeworks. |
B. The Camp Fire case in Paradise, California. |
Apply your knowledge of weather and fire basics to understand this fire case. |
• Watch 50-minute video documentary on YouTube
• Answer the attached Lab / Homework questions based on the video content.
• [Not required. But if you would like to learn more about this case, see the "Camp Fire" capstone presentation and report created by students in 2023.]
Learning Goals. By the end of this class, you will be able to:
1) Relate your current knowledge on fire behavior to the situation associated with the "Camp Fire" in Paradise, California. This includes antecedent conditions, current weather such as hot-dry-windy, fuel and forest types, fuel moisture, ignition source, PSPS issues, rate of spread, terrain influences, WUI aspects.
2) Appreciate the human impacts of wildfire, and the consequences of delayed action/response.
3) Learn new terms: fire intelligence, red flag warning
4) Anticipate the hazard of rapid, extensive ignition of spot fires caused by blizzards of burning embers carried by fast winds.