UBC ATSC 413 - Forest-fire Weather & Climate

Thursday Schedule - Fires

(Follow this schedule to access fire cases, online lectures, homeworks, and quizzes. In this hybrid course, material is presented both in person and online.)

(Dates will likely be modified, depending on student progress and new fire cases.)

Week 01 Thursday:      Intro to ATSC 413, and Indigenous Wildfire Management

Topic Activities & Assignments Learning Goals. By the end of this section, you will be able to ...
Introduction of instructors, TA, and students.

Intro of the instructors, TAs, and students.

Assignment (due Monday next week)  
Log into Canvas and do Quiz A3, to give us more info about your background). (For students who join the course late, we leave this quiz open for 2 weeks.)

(Not testable.) Start to learn the names and interests of your classmates.
Indigenous vs. fire suppression policy. Read the UBC Land Acknowledgement.(2 min). See how past policy on fire suppression relates to increased fire danger today (8.1 min). View the "Returning Fire to the Land" (7 min)video. Appreciate the heritage of earlier peoples on Canadian lands, and state the name of the First Nation peoples on whose land UBC sits. Explain why wildfires are becoming more severe compared to 100 years ago.
Historical & recent past fires Welcome, intro, and photographic overview of some of the historical significant wildfires in Canada. View Fire Basics item fb1. Includes fire videos at Fernie (3.25 min), Ft. McMurray (0.5 min), List 3 major wildfires that affected western Canada since year 2000, and describe what weather conditions they had in common (if any).
Types of burns

View the links in item fb29 in the Fire_Basics tab. (Also skim the glossaries in fb00.) https://www.eoas.ubc.ca/courses/atsc413/fire_basics/

Compare and contrast the following different types of burns: wildfire, controlled burn, prescribed burn, cultural burn, backfire, experimental burn.
Daily Weather Briefings Each class day, pairs of students will give a short (10 minute) weather briefing for Vancouver. Here is a "weather-briefing cookbook" that you can use to create a briefing when it is your turn. On this first class day, our TA will give a "demo" weather briefing.
Utilize the rubric to evaluate short weather briefings, and create your own weather briefing by taking advantage of tips in the "cookbook".
This course Read the material on the Home page of this website covering:  Welcome, Course Info, Syllabus Overview, Course Goals, Instructors & TAs, and Textbooks.  Explain how this course works, and where you look for various resources and assignments.
This course Read the material on the Home page of this website covering:  Welcome, Course Info, Syllabus Overview, Course Goals, Instructors & TAs, and Textbooks.  Explain how this course works, and where you look for various resources and assignments.
This course Read the material on the Home page of this website covering:  Welcome, Course Info, Syllabus Overview, Course Goals, Instructors & TAs, and Textbooks.  Explain how this course works, and where you look for various resources and assignments.
This course Read the material on the Home page covering: Evaluation and Getting Started. Explore the tabs at the top of the web pages. Confirm that you know how you earn your grade in this course, how to start in the online aspects of this course, and what types of info you can get from the tabs at the top of the web pages.
This course Skim all the material on the Home page within the "Guidelines, Info & Resources" section. 
Log into Canvas and do Quiz A6, which covers topics related to how the course is designed. (For students who join the course late, we leave this quiz open for 2 weeks.)
Confirm that you know not to cheat, and that you know where to get info on netiquette, academic & religious accommodation, learning commons, wellness info, teaching improvement, and course recommendations.
WUI View the links in fb28 on the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). https://www.eoas.ubc.ca/courses/atsc413/fire_basics/ Explain what the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is. Describe the 3 exposure conditions that cause the problem (as presented in the WUI Cascadia 15-min. video by Michael Gollner 2021). Explain what can we do to reduce losses due to WUI fires.