UBC ATSC 413 - Forest-fire Weather & Climate

Textbooks and References

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No book is required to be purchased, but the books listed in this section will be used for some required readings and homework.

  1. Lackmann, G. 2012: “Midlatitude Synoptic Meteorology: Dynamics, Analysis, and Forecasting”. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,  345 pp.  ISBN: 978-1878220103.  (Also available as an eBook.) https://bookstore.ametsoc.org/catalog/book/midlatitude-synoptic-meteorology. For those of you planning to be forecasters with ECCC, this will be an important book for your bookshelf.
    Student-rate cost is US$ 65. Sadly, our UBC library doesn't have an agreement with the American Meteorological Society to give students free access to this book. However, there might be other ways to access it -- so wait until after the first class meeting to discuss options.
  2. Stull, R., 2017,2018: "Practical Meteorology: An Algebra-based Survey of Atmospheric Science" -version 1.02b/c. Univ. of British Columbia. 940 pages. isbn 978-0-88865-283-6. Free online to everyone. https://www.eoas.ubc.ca/books/Practical_Meteorology/


None of the remaining references are required.

Fun Historical & Fiction Novels

The books listed here are not required, but provide an outstanding historical account of Canadian wildfires.


Other Reference Books and Journal Papers


Technical Reports


Indigenous Fire Info