UBC ATSC 413 - Forest-fire Weather & Climate

Subject: Access & Accommodation

... so all can thrive.

Academic Accommodation

UBC accommodates students with disabilities and special needs.   See info at https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/academic-learning-resources/academic-accommodations-disabilities/types-academic-accommodations

To request such an accommodation, please contact the UBC-Vancouver Accessibility Centre at https://students.ubc.ca/about-student-services/centre-for-accessibility

(Or if you are a student at UBC-Okanagan, contact the Disability Resource Centre at http://students.ok.ubc.ca/drc/welcome.html . )

Academic Concessions

You may need to request an academic concession for medical reasons, on compassionate grounds, or in certain cases of conflicting responsibilities. Please refer to UBC’s policy on Academic Concession for details.

To apply for an academic concession, please inform your instructor as soon as possible.

If you are ill ...

Please don’t come to class if you have an illness that could be transmitted to your classmates (e.g., a respiratory infection such as covid, flu, or cold). In this class, the marking scheme is intended to provide flexibility so that you can prioritize your health and still succeed. Please inform your instructor if you are ill; you will not lose participation marks if you miss a small number of classes due to illness. If you are ill for a long period of time, please contact your instructor to discuss, and apply for an academic concession. More information about UBC’s framework for preventing communicable disease is here.

Religious Accommodation

Recognizing the religious diversity of the UBC community, UBC permits students who are scheduled to attend classes or write examinations on holy days of their religions to notify their instructors in writing at well in advance (normally 14 days) of the holy day of their wish to observe it by absenting themselves from class or examination. Instructors provide opportunity for such students to make up work or examinations missed without penalty..  

See info at https://equity.ubc.ca/resources/days-of-significance-calendar/ ,

And the associated UBC policy document: https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/campus-wide-policies-and-regulations/academic-accommodation-all-students-religious-observances-and-cultural-observances-first-nations