Week 10 |
4 - 10 Nov 2024
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- S.Ch11.
p329-334, and Figs. 11.11, 11.12, & 11.14 on global heat
transport, and p341 - 344. (on p341, start with the bottom 1/3 on hydrostatic thermal circulations).
Topic: Global Circulation - Part 1:
Description, Differential Heating, Thermal Circulations, Geostrophic Adjustment
Textbook pages 329-334 and 341-344 and Figs. 11.11, 11.12 and 11.14.
Learning Goals - Global Circulation
At the end of this section, you should be able to:
- Use the global-circulation nomenclature and jargon (e.g., zonal, mereridional, extratropical, etc.)
- Describe and name the dominant horizontal general-circulation flow patterns at the surface, including monsoonal flows.
- Explain the Hadley cell: where it is, what it does to the atmosphere, and how it is connected to the surface flow patterns.
- Use LeChatelier's Principle to explain how differential heating drives the global circulation.
- Explain how each of the following dynamical processes works:
a) hydrostatic thermal circulations
b) geostrophic adjustment
Mon (D1) |
Morning |
Midday |
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2 PM |
- Discussion & interaction on topics from readings (bring your clicker).
- intro to the global circulation
- intro to thermal circulations and geostrophic adjustment
Evening |
- S.Ch11., p345-349 , p354- 359, p 367 - 369, p 371 - 372, p
376 (bottom half) , 378 (ftop half)
Warm-up Questions:
Do quiz W10 D2 online on Canvas. |
Topic: Global Circulation - 2: Thermal Wind Effect, Jet Streams and Rossby Waves
Textbook pages p345-349 , p354- 359, p 367 - 369, p 371 - 372, p
376 (bottom half) , 378 (ftop half). .
Learning Goals
At the end of this section, you should be able to:
- Explain and use the thermal wind relationship.
- Compare the driving forces of the subtropical jet and the polar jet.
- Explain how jet stream strength and location varies with season.
- Explain why the variation of Coriolis force with latitude causes the restoring force that drives the Rossby wave.
- Compare the speed of short and long Rossby waves.
- Look
at a weather map of the mid or upper troposphere, identify where the
jet stream is, and forecast the speed and movement of the troughs and
ridges of different wavelengths.
- Synthesize
all processes involved in the global circulation to explain why the
Earth's atmosphere has 3 dominant circulation bands in the N.
Hemisphere, rather than one big Hadley cell.
Tuesday (D2) |
Morning |
Midday |
Evening |
10 PM |
Deadline to finish warm-up Qs. |
Wed (D3) |
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Morning |
Midday |
2 PM |
- Discussion & interaction on topics from readings (bring your clicker).
- Lecture on jet streams and Rossby waves.
Evening |
- S.Ch12. p389 - 392, p397(starting at section 12.2.2) - 401
Warm-up Questions:
Do quiz W10 D4 online on Canvas.
Topic: Airmasses and Fronts - part 1 Horiz. Structure and Evolution
Textbook pages p389-392, p397(starting at section 12.2.2)-401, 403 - 407.
Learning Goals
At the end of this section, you should be able to:
- Locate
on a map the favored formation region for the following airmasses near
N. America: cP, cT, mP, mT, cA, and explain why airmasses have
favored formation regions at all.
- Contrast a ridge and a high-pressure center, and compare them to troughs and low-pressure centers.
- Recognize warm, cold, and occluded fronts on weather maps.
- Anticipate the weather changes associated with passage of each type of front.
- Synthesize
you knowledge of clouds and fronts to be able to look in the sky and
make a weather forecast based on the clouds that you see.
Thurs (D4) |
Morning |
Midday |
Evening |
10 PM |
Deadline to finish warm-up Qs. |
Friday (D5) |
Morning |
Midday |
2 PM |
- Discussion & interaction on topics from readings (bring your clicker).
- Lecture on Airmasses and surface fronts.
Evening |
End-of-Week Numerical Homework Exercises.
(Due at start of Friday's class, the week after Fall break.)
Homework 10:
S.Ch11 (use spreadsheet for all): A11f , A22f , A23f , E1 , E2 (Note, these last 2 exercises are E, not A).
S.Ch12. (use spreadsheet for all): A1f , E21. <--CAUTION, last exercise is E, not A.
Saturday(D6) |
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Sunday (D7) |
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