Week 9 |
28 Oct - 3 Nov 2024 |
Monday (D1) |
Finish Homework from previous week.
Be sure your name, student number, and HW# are at top of every page.
Deadline: Turn in your HW by the start of class, 2 pm Monday. |
Morning |
Midday |
2 PM |
- Turn in HW.
- Discuss the upcoming midterm exam, and reminder that all the previous Learning Goals are an excellent a study guide.
- Qualitative discussion downbursts & gustfronts, based on pre-readings from Stull section 15.2.
- Keynote slides of downbursts, arc clouds & haboobs.
- YouTube videos Day2-50 thru Day 2-75.
- Video on Finding the Storm, from DVD "Art of Storm Chasing". Disk 1, Title 2, Ch 4.
Topic: Downbursts & Gust Fronts
Textbook sections 15.2. .
Learning Goals
At the end of this section, you should be able to:
- Describe the conditions needed for downbursts to form.
- Anticipate the behavior of downbursts and gust fronts.
- Explain the hazard of downbursts and gust fronts to aircraft & structures.
- Look
at arc clouds, haboobs and Doppler radar to recognize the
downburst/gust-front hazard, and take appropriate action to be safe.
- Relate the fundamentals that you learned earlier in this course to the favorable conditions needed for thunderstorm formation.
- Normand's Rule, for estimating wet bulb temperature Tw.
- The utility of CAPE for predicting Storm hazards.
Evening |
- Review all previous readings.
Optional Review Session:
afternoon or evening. (See details either mentioned in class, or as an Announcement in Canvas) |
Topic: Study for the open-book Midterm Exam
Learning Goals
At the end of this section, you should be able to:
- Demonstrate on the exam that you have synthesized all the material covered into a coherent understanding of:
a) thunderstorms,
b) atmospheric thermodynamics,
c) atmospheric dynamics.
- Be proficient at using the following tools:
a) hodographs,
b) thermo diagrams,
c) weather radar images.
- Use equations to calculate and interpret quantitative results.
Tuesday (D2) |
Morning |
Midday |
Evening |
10 PM |
(No warm-up questions today.)
Wed (D3) |
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Morning |
Midday |
2 PM |
- Midterm Exam - Individual.
- Open books, open notes, open calculator.
- Covers all Learning Goals up through today.
- Covers Chapters
1 (all)
(covers section 2.0 & p30-37, & p39-45)
3 (all, except: 3.7 & 3.8)
4 (all except 4.6)
5 (all)
8 (radar portions, see footnote*)
10 (all, except: p298-299 & section 10.10)
11(covers sections 11.9.1 - 11.9.3)
14 (all, except:, 14.8),
- 15.1 Rain & Hail (all),
- 15.2 Downbursts (only qualitative),
- 15.3 Thunder (all except 15.3.1 &,
- 15.4 Tornado (all except p590-592 top half),
Appendix A (& skim Appendix B).
[*radar footnote. S.Ch8.
- Read the Remote Sensing intro on p219, and
- the weather radar Fundamentals section 8.3.1.
- On p246 read the one dBZ paragraph containing eq. (8.27).
- Next read the sections - .
-Finally read
the Identification of Storm Characteristics subsection ]
Evening |
- Ch 6: Read p159-168 (first column), 170 (top half), and 171 (INFO box at bottom).
Warm-up Questions:
Do quiz W09 D4n online on Canvas.
Topic: Cloud Identification
Textbook pages 159-168 (first column), 170 (top half), and 171 (INFO box at bottom.
Learning Goals - Clouds
At the end of this section, you should be able to:
- Look at clouds and classify them into stratiform, cumuliform, or special.
- Look at normal clouds and identify/name them.
- Relate what you see with your eyes to what weather radars and satellites see.
- Be able to use high-dynamic-range (HDR) photography to take better cloud photos with your mobile device.
Thurs (D4) |
Morning |
Midday |
Evening |
10 PM |
Deadline to finish warm-up Qs. |
Friday (D5) |
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Morning |
Midday |
2 PM |
- Slide show & mini-lecture on cloud identification.
Evening |
End-of-Week Homework Exercises.
(Finish readings before start of Monday's class.)
No numerical HW exercises this weekend. Only Readings on the Global Circulation:
In Chapter 11, Read textbook pages 329-334 and 341(starting with bottom 1/3 of page) -344 and Figs. 11.11, 11.12 and 11.14.
Learning Goals
At the end of this section, you should be able to:
- Confidently participate in Monday's lessons on general circulation issues.
Saturday(D6) |
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Sunday (D7) |
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