Eosc326DE, Lab 1, sketches 1 & 2
WHILE completing the question set, USE the two little sketch annotation apps below to indicate age ranges for fossils and "sp" specimens.
Here are instructions for sketch 1:
NOTE 1 - The figures may contain some previous sketch marks. This is normal. Simply use the "clear" button to start with a fresh background canvas.
NOTE 2 - You MAY want to stop working before completing questions and sketches. If so, then the Connect "quiz" portion will save and allow restarting as usual. However, these two sketches will NOT be saved properly. THEREFORE you are encouraged to keep a copy of your work (using the Save as PNG button) so that when you start again, you can first "clear", then re-draw the age-ranges quickly.
- To start, use the sketch app's "stroke" button (second from bottom of the tool bar) to chose a color.
- Use the "text" button to add your name to the bottom left blank region.
- Use the "stroke" button to pick a second color.
- Use the "line" button to draw in your interpretations of age ranges for the six remaining fossil types.
- Then save result as follows:
- Click "Export as PNG" button (under tools). This puts your result into a new browser tab.
- Use your browser to "Save as" or "Save Image As".
- PLEASE name this file using your name: eg. "JaneDoe-sketch1.png". Do NOT change the "png" part.
- Finally, upload your image to this CONNECT site as requested in the Lab 1 steps that follow the "Questions to answer".
Instructions for sketch 2 are very similar:
- Add your name to the bottom left blank region.
- Use a different colour to draw lines for your interpretations of age ranges for specimens in the figure.
- IN ADDITION - use a different colour to draw lines representing the minimum and maximum possible range of time that is missing between the deposition of rock units on either side of the structure labelled S2.
- Save this result with a new filename that clearly identifies it as yours, eg. "JaneDoe-sketch2.png".
- Submit to Connect as requested in the Lab 1 steps that follow the "Questions to answer".
HAVE YOU SAVED BOTH images with file names as instructed above? Yes?? Good - you are done this part!
- Hover your mouse over a tool for tool-tips.
- Use "Undo" / "Redo" button to backup or redo a step.
- Use "Zoom out", "Zoom in" & "Pan" button to adjust image size and position within the app.
- If you zoom out, keyboard arrows will pan.
- Use the "Clear" button to start again.
- Use the "Eraser" button to remove portions of work you have done.