Four maps illustrate prerequisits for quantitative Earth Science (QES) courses in EOAS.
- Map 1 visualizes the dependencies between quantitative EOAS courses (ATSC, EOSC, ENVR only).
- Maps 2, 3, & 4 visualize prerequisits for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year EOAS coures.
- Only Quantitative Earth Science (QES) courses and their prerequisites are mapped.
- "Quantitative" EOSC, ATSC and ENVR courses are defined here as those that require at least Calculus I, or any amount of computer programming.
- A summary of prerequisites in terms of subject "areas" is given in the matrix figure below.
Information provided on each map:
- Mousover any course name pops up the course name and description.
- EOSC, ENVR and ATSC course names (eg EOSC211) are links to the EOAS Department's Course webpage.
- OTHER course names (eg CPSC101) are not links.
- Each course has two links looking like " ssc exp ":
- Each ssc link opens that course's information at the UBC
Student Services Centre in a separate browser tab.
- Each exp link opens that course's information at the
UBCexplore site in that separate browser tab.
Choose a QES course dependency map using one of these buttons.
- A separate 'appendices' page gives the construction sequence,
editing hints and pointers to other approaches to curriculum mapping.
- The Vancouver academic calendar
provides all UBC Vancouver courses.
- AGU poster about QueST & OCESE projects delivered Dec. 2021: Local HTML page, or the
original at AGU
(may not be permanently available).
- Please send questions or suggestions to Francis Jones. (sketch egs: