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EOSC 428: Overview

The course consists of a 5-day intensive field component followed by a seven-day office-based analysis. Students are introduced to both on-site measurement and sample collection techniques. Hydraulic conductivities of the aquifer are determined by a pumping and recovery tests, by slug tests, and by a tidal analysis. Various methods to determine the permeability of surficial soils are also introduced. Geochemical parameters of groundwater, such as pH, electrical conductivity, iron and sulfate content, are determined in the field. The field exercises are designed such that students are directly involved and gain hands-on experience with the various measurement and sampling techniques. After completion of the field exercises, the data is analyzed in assignments and synthesized in a group report that describes the physical and chemical characteristics of the site.

The field school is run cooperatively with students and faculty from University of Calgary, Simon Fraser University and University of Saskatchewan. Typically 1/3 of enrollments are from out of province students.
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Field Activities

Last Updated: October 18, 2004 Email:
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University of British Columbia. All Rights Reserved.