Thin Section Slide Show

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Quartz arenite, showing overgrowths of quartz cement, locality U.K.,         by Dr. R.L. Armstrong. Greywacke, VA. Note clay matrix. By Dr. R.L. Armstrong Oolitic limestone, U.K., by Dr. R.L. Armstrong. Glauconitic sandstone, U.K., by Dr. R.L. Armstrong. Basalt, microphenocrysts of olivine set in a fine-grained matrix, Chilcotin         Group, B.C..
Plagioclase, zoned and twinned, phenocrysts, Crested Butte, CO. Vesicular aphanitic basalt, Chilcotin Group, B.C.. Vesicular aphanitic basalt with intergranular matrix of clinopyroxene,         plagioclase, and magnetite, in PPL. Plagioclase and biotite in a medium-grained matrix, Crested Butte, CO. Gabbro. Note olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and innerstitial sulfides,         Labrador.
Hornblende with opacite (fine-grained magnetite and clinopyroxene) rim,         Crested Butte, CO. Resorbed quartz phenocryst, in XPL, Crested Butte, CO. Resorbed quartz phenocryst, in PPL, Crested Butte, CO. Hornblende with opacite rim. Note excellent amphibole cleavage, and on         the right, biotite, looking down the c axis at hexagonal plates, Crested Butte,         CO. Vesicle cylinder in Chilcotin Group Basalt. Note large, zoned titanaugite         (lilac coloured) elongate ilmenite crystals.
BXA figure. Note small 2V visible in right hand view. Cataclasized quartz, Crested Butte, CO. Hornblende phenocrysts with magnetite rim (crossed nicols), Crested Butte,         CO. Clinopyroxenes in PPL, Crested Butte, CO. Clinopyroxenes in XPL, Crested Butte, CO.
Comendite, Rainbow Range, B.C.. Note phenocrysts of fayalite (Fe-rich         olivine) with magnetite rim, zoned aegerine-augite, and sanidine in a         fine-grained matrix of sanidine, aegerine-augite, and aenigmatite. Resorbed plagioclase, Rainbow Range, B.C.. Sub-ophitic texture , Chilcotin Group Basalt, B.C.. Note clinopyroxenes         partially surrounding plagioclase laths. Plagioclase and clinopyroxene-phyric basalt, Rainbow Range, B.C.. Olivine microphenocrysts set in an aphanitic matrix of plagioclase, clinopyroxene,         and magnetite. Miocene Chilcotin Group basalt, B.C..
All slides by Dr. ML. Bevier,
except as noted.

Copyright © 2002 Dept. Earth and Ocean Sciences,
The University of British Columbia.