Online (Hybrid*) Courses (for both on-campus and distance-education students)
Hybrid means online content, but the final exam must be taken in person at the UBC campus.
Click on an online course below to see its List of Topics and a Sample Lesson.
First-year online (hybrid) courses:
ATSC 113 - Weather Science for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports .
EOSC 114 - The Catastrophic Earth: Natural Disasters .
EOSC 116 - The Mesozoic Earth: Time of the Dinosaurs .
EOSC 118 - Earth's Treasures: Gold and Gems .
Third-year online (hybrid) courses open to Arts and Science students not in a degree administered by EOAS:
EOSC 310 - The Earth and the Solar System .
EOSC 311 - The Earth and its Resources .
EOSC 314 - The Ocean Environment (physical oceanography) .
EOSC 315 - The Ocean Ecosystem (biological oceanography) . (sample under construction) .
Courses open to Science students:
(including all EOAS students except those majoring in Geology or Geophysics)
EOSC 326 - Earth and Life through Time .
Courses open to Science & Engineering students,
(and others with appropriate Math & Physics background):
ATSC 313 - Renewable Energy Meteorology .